RAFA 2009 logo Prague skyline
06/02/2025 -5573 days left
EU projects represented at RAFA 2009:

trace MoniQA conffidence BIOCOP NanoLyse


You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt via E-mail indicating the total amount of payment due. If it will not be delivered within a few minutes after submitting of your registration please contact us at Food_Analysis_2009@vscht.cz.

The registration fee includes:

- attendance to the symposium,
- final programme,
- book of abstracts,
- coffee breaks,
- buffet luncheons
- welcome cocktail.

At the registration form you can register free of charge for the welcome cocktail, you can pre-order ticket(s) for the symposium dinner (50 Euro) and pre-order a copy of the proceedings (25 euro) which will appear in 2010 in Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier).

Please note that your registration is firm when your payment has been received.

Registration fees

Registration received before August 1, 2009:

Regular registration – smart rateEuro 440
IAEAC membersEuro 330
Students*Euro 330
Any registration received after August 1, 2009:Euro 620

*The official student status confirmation letter must be submitted as an attachment of Registration form and confirmed by the organizers, otherwise the application for the student fee will be ignored.

Payment details

Bank payment:
Credit Suisse, St. Alban Graben 1–3, 4002 Basel, Switzerland
Acc.no. 287720-02-6 (IBAN: CH81 0483 5028 7720 0200 6)
Beneficiary: IAEAC Secretariat, Postfach 46, CH–4123 Allschwil 2, Switzerland

Please indicate the name of registrant.

We do not cover your bank charges and will ask them back at the registration desk.

Payment with credit card:
Visa and Eurocard/MasterCard only!
Please send the relevant information for charging the card (card number, expiry date, card holder name and CVC number) to:
IAEAC, Mrs. Marianne Frei-Häusler
Postfach 46
CH-4123 Allschwil 2
Phone: +41 61 481 27 89
Fax: + 41 61 482 08 05
E-mail: iaeac@bluewin.ch

Cancellation policy and refunds:
Only written cancellations can be accepted, to be sent to Food_Analysis_2009@vscht.cz
Cancellation before September 1, 2009: refund 75%; no refunds after that date.

Institue of Chemical Technology International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry RIKLT
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