RAFA 2009 logo Prague skyline
06/02/2025 -5573 days left
EU projects represented at RAFA 2009:

trace MoniQA conffidence BIOCOP NanoLyse

Prague is easily accessible by road, rail and air. The conference centre is easily reached from Prague International airport by bus 119 to the city terminal Dejvická and from Prague Main or Holešovice railway stations and Florenc Main bus station by underground. The City Center can be reached by underground (green line A) to the terminal station Dejvická (8 min). The conference centre is on 100 m walking distance from the Dejvická Square (Vítezné námestí).

How to reach Prague (Praha) and the conference venue

By means of Google finder (www.google.com) overview and very detailed maps of Prague (maps.google.com) can be found.

By plane

Prague Ruzyně Airport (www.prg.aero) has a good connection to all European capitals and many cities. There are many cheap charter flights to Prague from all over Europe. The Airport is located approx. 15 km from the city center.

Taxi transport costs 25-30 € to the city center and approx. 20 € to the Symposium venue.

The cheapest transport can be realized using public bus No.119 starting on Terminal 2 on the Airport and terminating at the Metro station Dejvická (frequent departure, every 10 min or less; travel time 20 min).

The conference centre is located close to the terminal Metro station Dejvická (walking distance approx. 50 m).

By train

When arriving to the Main Station, use metro in direction Háje, change at the next station (Museum) for the line A and continue to the terminus Dejvická. Use the west exit (forward direction) and the map will direct you to the Registration (DIPLOMAT hotel). When arriving at the Holešovice station, use also metro in direction Háje, change at Museum and continue to the station Dejvická.

By bus

The bus terminal is at the metro station Florenc. Use the metro in direction Háje, change at Museum (2nd station) for the line A and continue to the terminus Dejvická as when arriving by train.

By car

For traveling by car see http://www.diplomathotel.cz/en/home/.

Carry your driving license and passport all time. The speed limit is 50km/hr in cities and villages, 90 km/hr outside urban areas and 130 km/hr on highways.


AAA Radio Taxi

Tel: 14 0 14 (local phone number), +420 222 333 222 (www.aaataxi.cz)

Parking on the symposium venue

DIPLOMAT hotel has underground parking at rate 14 Euro/day. Because of heavy traffic and lack for parking places parking at the street or around the hotel cannot be recommended.

Institue of Chemical Technology International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry RIKLT
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