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06/02/2025 -5573 days left
EU projects represented at RAFA 2009:

trace MoniQA conffidence BIOCOP NanoLyse

The call for contributed oral and poster presentations is closed.

You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt via e-mail. If it will not be delivered within a few minutes after submitting of your abstract please contact us at Food_Analysis_2009@vscht.cz

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The abstract should be limited to 400 words (font Arial and font size 10)

Authors will be informed on acceptance of their abstracts by Scientific Committee either for poster or oral presentation via e–mail by September 20, 2009.

The young scientist will have also an opportunity to present oral contributions (10–15 min, depending on the number of accepted registrations) within the main program.

The information on the acceptance of any lecture will be provided following the Scientific Committee meeting at the beginning of September.

Poster presentation instructions

Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display results of their scientific work. Posters will be exhibited on a billboard.

To present your poster accurately, please follow the instructions below:

- Maximum poster size: 125 cm (height) x 95 cm (width)
- Your poster should be readable from a distance of 1.5 m
- We will provide material for attaching your poster (pins)
- Authors are expected to be present by their poster during the session

Posters will be on display each of the conference days depending on the poster category.

Presentations formats

Oral presentations will require a Microsoft Office PowerPoint format and should be submitted at the Symposium on a USB memory stick; alternatively, presentations on CD-ROM can be considered.
Guidelines to download.

Poster Awards

International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry The best poster presentation by a young scientist will be honoured with the IAEAC Roland W. Frei poster award.
CAMO Software AS Poster Award for young scientists sponsored by CAMO Software AS company

(License of The Unscrambler and a copy of the textbook “Multivariate Data Analysis – In practice” by Prof. Kim H. Esbensen)
Agilent Poster Award sponsored by Agilent Technologies company


We offer the possibility of publishing your work in a special issue of journal Analytica Chimica Acta. The Guide for Authors, which should be closely followed when preparing your manuscript, can be found on the journal's web site http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.authors/502681/authorinstructions. All papers, to be written in the English language, must be submitted on-line via the journal's website, and will be subject to the standard, stringent, refereeing procedure of the journal. Submitted manuscripts must describe new and innovative research. Papers are NOT automatically accepted because they are part of the conference - please note that the journal's rejection rate is over 50%. All papers intended for publication must be submitted by 31 December 2009 at the latest, via the journal's web-site. After this deadline manuscripts can only be considered for regular issues of the Journal.

Information how to submit your manuscript for special issue of Analytical Chimica Acta dedicated to the conference 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis.

The price for the proceedings is 25 Euro (VAT and import duties excluded). It can be ordered through the registration form.


The official language of the symposium will be English, no simultaneous translation will be provided.

Institue of Chemical Technology International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry RIKLT
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